As you might’ve noticed, this site has been made using WordPress, and so today, I’ll educate you on how to build a wordpress site.
Step 1: Set up a google cloud account. Google provides 90 days of expenses for free, which means it won’t cost you for a few months.
Creating an account and entering some account infoAdding contact information (phone number)Entering information for paymentLinking to a paypal accountLogging into Paypal accountConnecting it to a credit cardAnswering some survey questions
Step 2: Creating a project
Select the dropdown menu and click dashboard, then create a new project.Creating the new project
Step 3: Adding the wordpress google extension
Go to marketplaceSelect WordPress by Google Click to DeploySelect your preferred machine: E2 is the cheapest.Enable all APIsChanging the boot disk size will also change the price. IMPORTANT: Allow HTTPS traffic from the internet
Step 4: Setting up your site:
Click the site address (I have hidden it for this post), and then copy paste your email. Then copy-paste the temporary wordpress admin password (also hidden) into the boxThis is where you login to WordPressGo to the wordpress dashboard, select appearance, and then themesAdd a theme: We choose ZeeDynamicGo to settings -> permalinks, and then click post name. This makes it a lot easier for users.
Afterwards, to make your site look better, you’ll need to setup a main menu (appearance -> customize -> menus), edit your homepage (an easy solution is to add a query loop). You will also need to get an SSL certificate (so your site has the padlock in the top left corner instead of not secure).
From here, the only step left is customization and trial and error. Find a design you like, and add content. Your site will slowly come together.