
Turkey is an underrated nation. I understand this now. It’s not the lack of tourists that makes it underrated. It’s the sheer quantity of sights that haven’t been seen enough by the tourist eye. Looking back, we clearly allotted too little time to Turkey, but our layovers in Istanbul were

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Our trip so far had been quite crazy. In fact, the last few days were mainly composed of long drives, crazy flights, but also of breathtaking views. We wanted a break, and Gothenburg served as that. A great city with such a great atmosphere, that I could recognise it from

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St. Lucia

We visited St. Lucia in December of 2017, a year after visiting Dominica, and just after visiting Martinique. Instead of using the local ferries, as we did on our previous trip to St. Lucia, we opted for the plane, so that we didn’t throw up. The plane we were on

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St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in North America. Its claim to fame is beaches, and so we had a dilemma. What to do in St. Kitts? We turned to Nevis instead. Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of the Treasury, was born in Nevis’s capital, Charlestown.  We got off

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Did we visit Slovenia? I think we did. We might’ve visited Slovenia, but to say we have truly explored the nation would be a stretch. We set headquarters in Salzburg, Austria, and the plan was to first visit a few nice sites in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, then take

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We’ve visited Spain twice on the same trip. Both were from France, which limited our range, so we visited Barcelona, which is located on the Mediterranean and San Sebastian. Our first trip was to Barcelona, where we wanted to firstly visit the Sagrada Familia, and secondly, visit the Barcelona Stadium.

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It was April of 2016, and we decided to take a day trip in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. We had a few reasons for choosing Bratislava. First was its proximity to Vienna, where we were staying. We wanted to maximize our time in the nation, so Bratislava, which has

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We arrived in Serbia after our stay in Budapest, and a short day trip to Romania. Serbia is the prime example given for a former Yugoslav republic, since it was at the heart of the nation, and so it was fitting we started there. We decided on Belgrade, due to

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